Press release:

Brussels, 06 March 2023

Press Release: Boost the Economic Impact of Business Travel says BT4Europe

The launch took  place on Tuesday 14 March 11:00 CET

To view the webinar(27) Boosting the Economic Impact of Business Travel – YouTube

BT4Europe, the European Network of Business Travel Associations, will launch a Position Paper on Boosting the Economic Impact of Business Travel. Business travel in Europe makes a hugely positive contribution to the European economy and although the COVID pandemic was a significant set back, the sector is recovering fast. BT4Europe believes the sector’s economic impact can be further boosted by streamlining the regulatory framework.

The Position Paper, developed by BT4Europe’s Economic Impact Working Group, urges EU regulators to streamline the regulatory framework to encourage sustainable and resilient growth of the sector and accommodate and facilitate future trends.

BT4Europe is confident that the challenges facing business travel can be addressed in order to enable the sustainable and resilient development of the sector, which in turn contributes to the economic development of Europe. In our Position Paper we make recommendations for action to streamline the regulatory framework, and we invite the entire travel sector to support these recommendations and the EU to take action to implement them.’ says Patrick W. Diemer, Chair of BT4Europe.’

Preparing for future health emergencies by learning the lessons from COVID, accommodating the major shifts in working patterns to facilitate more flexible, hybrid and cross-border working, ensuring one stop ticketing for all modes of transport and introducing digital end-to-end multi-modal passenger rights, will boost the economic impact of business travel.’ says Odete Pimenta da Silva, Chair of BT4Europe’s Economic Impact Working Group.

Odete Pimenta da Silva concluded, ‘Business travel in Europe makes a hugely positive contribution to the European economy, and we urge the EU to implement our recommendations to ensure the sector contributes its full potential to the European economy.’

Patrick W. Diemer and Odete Pimenta da Silva are available for interview.

The launch takes place Tuesday 14 March 2023 at 11:00 CET, with opportunities for questions.

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For more information on the European Network of Business Travel Associations, please contact